Beiträge von INtour1.5d

    any transmission fluid will always contain particles from clutch packs . its normal because when you use gears , clutch packs engage and disengage . they have wear over time .

    this isnt a bad thing to begin with . drain plugs or fluid pans do have magnetic strips to catch those particles . they are very fine too , if they would find bigger particles , its from gears or bearings

    and then you have a bigger problem .

    but since you say the problems are not always there , it could be a calibration issue aswell . i wonder what your service garage will tell you ;)

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    a usefull explanation of things ;)

    my knowledge of the german language isnt good enough to write it down . but i have no problems reading it ;)

    your lower iat's can only be beneficial if you have tune that takes advantage of it . normally a knock sensor pulls back timing advance when things get hot .

    so you will need more octane to compensate for it . you could try with either ethanol blend or toluene ( nasty stuff but lots and lots of octane ).

    i had very clean timings with 40 percent ethanol , no timing pulled across the whole rpm band , it actually means no power has been left on the table ;)

    the problem with ethanol is , your high pressure fuel pump has to be able to provide a higher flow rate , consumption goes up .

    if you use 93oct ( 98ron ) or 95oct ( 102ron ) , you will always have some timing being pulled . but hey thats just the ecu doing its work .

    i dont know if aftermarket turbo's are available for the gsi . a bigger compressor wheel puts less heat into the air compared to a smaller one

    its almost like inflating tyres with a small high speed pump , the nozzle gets bloody hot .

    perhaps you could do a few 100 to 200 runs before and after installment ?

    i really wonder if it would make any difference at all

    your car should do stock around 25sec on a flat plane ( 100 - 200km/h )